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Sarge the Foodie - A German Shepard dog story.

Given the ability to smell and taste food chemicals at an early age, Sarge came to us at 8 weeks old and a little on the thin side. His brothers and sisters had no problem eating his food, so no one noticed he wasn’t getting enough to eat. He didn’t want to eat the puppy food that was sent home with us even though it was an expensive “vet office” brand. He’d walk over to it, smell it, and walk away. I picked up a bag of organic puppy chow, and he ate the whole bowl; like he hadn’t eaten in days. When I thought about it, he probably hadn’t eaten well since he weened from his mommy. Over the weeks, he became more and more picky about his food, and preferred to eat from daddy’s leftovers. He does eat his organic dry dog food - but it has to be organic otherwise he completely snubs it. This was a completely different phenomena from our prior 10 years with our beagle twin boys - they would sneak out and go looking for a ham sandwich in the neighborhood - but that’s another story for another time.

Sarge was intuitive at 8 weeks old when we met. I walked into the living room and went over to the playpen that had the 7 puppies. I put my hand in the playpen, Sarge licked my hand - I think he was tasting me, I’ve been eating a home-made organic diet for 10 years at this point and I think he knew it. Anyway, I picked him up, I looked at my husband Jerry and said “this is the one” and Jerry looked at him, and me and said “His name is Sarge!” It was that day that we discovered his picky eating habits. Over the weeks and months, we discovered just how picky an eater he can be. At this point, he’s a full-grown German Shepard that’s lean and healthy. He eat’s a combination of organic dry food, and home-made meals.

Since Sarge can be very popular on social media and really wants to help his mommy bring the message of “good clean eating” to more people, we decided he would be a great spokes-person for our “foodie” ideals. We are excited to introduce the:

“Sarge the Foodie” Blog Rant

Be sure to check out our first post!

Dr Riggin's Natural Medicine Academy
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