A Trailblazer...
Recently, I was asked about my experience in business, and my passion for health. After writing it up, I decided to share with my friends and followers on Facebook. So, here you go... I’ve been a trail-blazer in the acupuncture profession in FL for decades; licensed and in private practice in Clearwater since 1996. I served as President of the Florida State Oriental Medical Association and was instrumental in writing and passing Florida State law. The late 90’s required a major rewrite, and that was accomplished over the course of 3 years. FS457 Acupuncture Practice Act licenses and regulates the practice. Because of the work done in Florida’s Capitol, I was appointed to Florida’s State Board of Acupuncture by Governor Lawton Chiles, and then Governor Jeb Bush, and was confirmed by the Florida Senate. Becoming involved politically wasn’t something I wanted, it was something that needed to be done. There were so few of us that were licensed by the state of FL as Acupuncture Physicians - someone needed to step up and I was willing. Now I had to learn what to do. I had amazing mentors and coaches and consultants to guide the way, and success was achieved!
Aside from educating our legislators and policy makers; teaching our community and patients on how to achieve Optimal Health became my purpose. This also keeps me excited to stay practicing after so many years. Personally, I’m more vibrant and healthier now than I was 30 years ago!
So even though I’ve spent decades educating my community about this ancient system of medicine, I’m still excited to share what I’ve learned.
Before YouTube, back in the 90’s, I created, produced and hosted an award winning public access TV show in Pinellas County called Health Options. Patients would share their success stories, a DIY segment called Healing Hands showed how to do self-acupressure, and a segment called Yoga-To-Go demonstrated easy to do stretching moves. From there I co-hosted a talk radio show on TANTalk - WTAN an AM talk radio station in Clearwater. The show was called Burn Fat Talk Radio. As technology has progressed I now offer programs on my online platform, Natural Medicine Academy.
All the while, I’ve had to learn how to build a private practice - all on a shoe string budget with lots of blood, sweat and tears. No capitol. No family money. And as a single mom.
At the same time - I was committed to becoming an expert in my field. I went beyond what’s typical for an acupuncture practice and discovered a way to push the limits of this amazing practice of medicine. The results tell the story. It's not because we are better than anyone else, it's because I've been tenacious about finding answers. I've learned how to uncover the barriers hidden in our body and behavior. Once discovered, it unlocks the potential for optimal health. Truly amazing how our body was created to heal, mend and repair - all on it's own.
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This Picture is an invitation that I receved from Govenor Bush to attend a coffee with the former fist lady Barbara Bush