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Natural Pain Relief at Home!

In celebrating my 20 years in practice, I am excited to announce the release of a do-it-yourself (DIY) educational program designed to give you tools to help your pain - at home!

It's a 3 part program that teaches self acupressure techniques, how to use your food as medicine, and simple but profound stretching/roller techinques!

To give you a taste of what I'll be teaching in the full program, I created mini-trainings. Using these techinques in the mini-trainings will help - but if you go deeper, you will expereince even greater results!

Send me an email for a link to my free mini-training on how to reduce neck pain. And watch for registration details for level 1 coming up next week - it's a 4 week interactive program that brings you 2 lessons per week and access to our private Face Book group for support and questions.


Dr Riggin's Natural Medicine Academy
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