FDA says daily aspirin use is RISKY!
If you take a daily aspirin, and have NEVER had a heart attack or stroke, make sure to read this report from the FDA.
This is from the FDA website - http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm390574.htm
"Consumers and patients who do not suffer from cardiovascular disease sometimes consider taking aspirin to reduce the possibility of having a heart attack or stroke. Reducing the possibility of having a first heart attack or stroke is called primary prevention. The FDA has reviewed the available data and does not believe the evidence supports the general use of aspirin for primary prevention of a heart attack or stroke. In fact, there are serious risks associated with the use of aspirin, including increased risk of bleeding in the stomach and brain, in situations where the benefit of aspirin for primary prevention has not been established." FDA reported this in May, 2014.