The Doctor is "In" - Time to Ditch the B0T0X®?
The sabbatical is over and I'm back in the clinic. Here's a few things to be aware of:
Summer hours are abbreviated while the kids are in school and many are on vacation, call for details.
In August 2022, we'll be offering ongoing Second Saturday Classes and opening up treatment hours once a month on Second Saturdays.
Ditch the poison, save your hormones, and use Acupuncture to prevent wrinkles.
Wellness never stops just because we are on vacation! Keep on the plan for a renewed body!
In reviewing some of the trends in our "pop-culture" it is important to remember to evaluate logically how something will affect the overall health and well-being of the body.

One example is using B0T0X® to prevent wrinkles. This is ludicrous when you think about it in a logical manner. It is a neurotoxin. Using it for any type of cosmetic use is insane.
Why would you want to poison your body by injecting this poison into your blood stream, and then mix it up with your hormones? To look good? But does the frozen muscle look really look good? There are healthy ways to handle wrinkles - like acupuncture/ self-acupressure/ and food!
Also, that frown line between the eyebrows that gets injected with this regularly, is actually an ancient acupuncture point and also a reflex point for hormone regulation. Putting poison in this point is a recipe for illness down the road. It's just a matter of time. It is logical.
Personally, I handled my wrinkles and lifted and rejuvenated my face with Acupuncture, Food and Detoxing my body. I've been doing it for years. Now at almost 60, I not only feel good, but look good. All accomplished without dangerous procedures or chemically produced products!
Want to learn more? Check out the 12 minute video on our home page to learn more about this ancient practice.
Did you already watch the video, and you are ready to get checked? Click here and be sure to use the discount code to get 50% off the evaluation fee. It's at the end of the 12 minute video on the home page.